Deccan International

We Provide Best Quality of Metal all time


When we study the elements, it is important to know which elements are metals and which ones are not. If you are trying to learn to distinguish between metals and non-metals, a list and their uses is a good way to break them down and help memorize the difference between the two. The good news is that most elements are metals. A useful way to approach the study of elements is to distinguish whether they are metal or non-metal. Metals share some common properties. So, knowing what are those properties is a good way to begin our study.

Most metals have a solid state when they are at room temperature. Another way to recognize a metal is that they tend to be shiny. Metals also tend to be a good conductor of heat and electricity. But have low ionization energies and low electronegativities. Another important property that many metal elements share is that they are malleable. This means that metals are relatively easy to be broken up into sheets. Also, most metals can be made into wire. This is what we know as being ductile. With the exception of potassium, lithium, and sodium, most metals have a high density. One of the common and, perhaps, most noticeable properties that most metal elements share is that they corrode when exposed to seawater or air. Finally, most metal elements lose electrons during reactions.